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My Triathlon Bike

Sunday, 12 February 2017

14week Marathon Training Plan: Week 8, Session 2: Yasso 800m - SESSION SKIPPED

Twenty-third Session: Week 8 Session 2: Yasso 800m x 9 (Skipped due to illness)
Goal: First Marathon (Sundown Singapore 25 March 2017)

I had a steamboat dinner on Sunday (5th Feb 2017) night with friends, and that left me with a pretty bad stomach ache all night. In the morning, the pain continued to intensify and by noon the result was rather dramatic. I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance after fainting and falling to the floor; unconscicous for approx less than a minute. I was told I was dehydrated as a result of food poisoning (dodgy fish balls), but everything else was okay (blood work and x-rays). After a few hours on an IV drip, I was sent home to rest, but still rather weak. The next few days would be spent trying to flush the toxins from my body (vomit and diarrhoea), and sleep.
Preparation for IV drip
Progress Stats:
(21/42 sessions completed): 50%,  (2/42 sessions missed): 5%, Total Plan (23/42): 55%

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